Important note, we do not accept gift certificates unless they are sold by us from the link below. MassageBook sells gift certificates online that we do not accept if it doesn't have our name, Alabama Massage Specialists, on it. If you have purchased a GC through MassageBook and it has our name on it, we will redeem it, if not, you can reach out to MassageBook for a refund.
Due to this confusion, we no longer sell gift certificates through MassageBook and are now using Square. If you have gift certificates from us though MassageBook, they are still valid and we will redeem them as long as we sold them and our company name is on them.
We apologize for this confusion.
Click on the picture of the gift card to go to our gift certificate page. First time clients must call 334.320.0371 to book using a gift certificate, returning clients can simply put the gift certificate information in the customer note.
Military, Fire, Police Discount: $5 off any regularly priced service of an hour or longer.
Birthday Month Special $5 off any regularly priced service.
Referral Plan: receive a $5 credit toward any regular priced service.
Discounts and gift certificates not valid at our Maxwell location.
NOTE: Discounts and savings may not be stacked. Choose the one that saves you the most.